Star Trek : Voyager - Saison 4 intégrale

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DVD Zone : 2 UK
Sortie le : 01/11/2004

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"Braving the Unknown : Season 4" : Brannon Braga, Jeri Taylor and more of your favourite cast members recall the introduction of Seven of Nine, the loss of Kes, and memorable episodes including 'Year of Hell' and the 'The Killing Game'.
"Time Capsule : Seven of Nine" : profile of the Seven of Nine featuring rare interviews and footage of Ryan, including model and publicity shoots taped during her freshman year on the series.
"Time Capsule : Harry Kim" : A new and exclusive interview exploring the character of Harry Kim throughout the seven seasons of the series. Amusing home movies of Garett aboard a Star Trek Cruise in the Caribbean are also included.
"The Birth of Species 8472" : Artists and visual effects wizards describe how they gave life to one of the most terrifying creatures in Star Trek lore. Features behind the scenes footage of designing 8472, preliminary sketches and much more.
"The Art of Alien Worlds" : The renowned matte artist Syd Dutton provides a tour of his studio and discusses the artwork seen in several Star Trek films and television episodes.
6 Lost Transmissions - (Easter Eggs)
Photo Gallery

Exclu z2 :
"Red Alert : Amazing Visual Effects" : Dan Curry, Ronald B. Moore and others describe the visual effects in several Season Four episodes, including 'Raven', 'The Ormega Directive', and 'The Killing Game'.
"Voyager Release Party" : An intimate look at the special DVD launch release event, featuring interviews with Robert Picardo, Astronaut Janice Voss, and other cast members.

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