Vampire Diaries - Saison 2 intégrale

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 30/08/2011

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Digital 5.1, portugais dolby surround 2.0
Sous-titres : Français, anglais (malentendants), chinois, portugais, espagnol, thaïlandais et coréen


5 disques


Pages of the Wolf: Three Featurettes - The Myth & The Mystery (Werewolf Lore), Building the Beasts (Working with Actual and Mechanical Wolves) and Howling at the Moon (Michael Trevino's Transformative Makeup Process)
Her Own Worst Enemy…Elena, Catherine and Nina!: Nina Dobrev Rises to the Challenge of Playing Two Roles
The Perfect Love Triangle: Vampires, Werewolves, Witches: Setting the Record Straight on Who's Nibbling on Whom for the First Two Seasons
Unaired Scenes
Audio Commentary on "Masquerade" With Executive Producers Kevin Williamson & Julie Plec
Second Bite AKA Gag Reel

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