Nikita (2010) - Saison 1 intégrale

Informations générales

Blu-ray Zone : 1
Sortie le : 30/08/2011

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio


4 disques


Inside Division, Part 1: The New Nikita - In this documentary, we discover what elements from the previous versions of La Femme Nikita were important to preserve and protect, but more importantly, what twists and changes needed to be made in order to reinvent Nikita for a new generation.
Inside Division, Part 2: Executing an Episode - We uncover how the sets, costumes, weapons, lighting, editing and music were all fashioned to reflect the creators' new vision; a vision that's hip, young, beautiful, deadly and definitely sexy.
Profiling Nikita, Alex, Percy & Michael - We explore the characters who make this show so exciting and sexy, as well as the actors who play them.
Commentary of Two Episodes
Gag Reel
Deleted Scenes
Division Tracker - Hack into Division and uncover a global tracking device designed to record every major character's move throughout the years. Can you predict Nikita's future by discovering her past? (Blu-ray Exclusive)

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