Spider-Man, l'Homme-Araignée - Ultimate Spider-Man Collection

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 02/09/2003

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais, Espagnol
Sous-titres : Anglais


Image 1.33

Contient 3 dvd :

Ultimate Villian Showdown
302 : "Make A Wish"
303 : "Attack of the Octobots"
304 : "Enter The Green Goblin"
305 : "The Rocket Racer"

Return of the Green Goblin
312 : "The Spot"
313 : "Goblin War!"
314 : "Turning Point"
401 : "Guilty"

Daredevil vs. Spider-Man
306 : "Framed"
307 : "The Man Without Fear"
308 : "The Ultimate Slayer"
309 : "Tombstone"


1967 series episode: "The Orgins of Spider-Man" with introduction by Creator Stan Lee, and featuring the original theme song

Episode 408: "The Return of the Green Goblin"

1967 series episodes: "The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Octopus" and "Magic Malice" with introduction by Creator Stan Lee, and featuring the original theme song

1967 series episode: "Kingpinned", featuring the original theme song

Fantastic Four episode 14 : "And a Blind Man Shall Lead Them": The first show of the second season of the 1994-96 FF series guest stars The Daredevil!

Rogues' Dossiers - A lineup of Spider-Man's most evil nemeses
The Rogue's Challenge
Stan Lee's Soapbox
Dare to be Daredevil game
Stan Lee episode introductions

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