Au-Delà du Réel, l'Aventure Continue - Gift Set

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 21/06/2005

Distributeur : MGM Home Entertainment

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais


6 dvd :
Sex & Science Fiction
Time Travel & Infinity
Aliens Among Us
Fantastic Androids & Robots
Mutation & Transformation
Death & Beyond

36 épisodes :
"A Stitch in Time"
"Time to Time"
"Deja Vu"
"Patient Zero"
"Caught in the Act"
"Bits of Love"
"Valerie 23"
"The Human Operators"
"Skin Deep"
"Flower Child"
"Quality of Mercy"
"The Grell"
"Relativity Theory"
"Alien Shop"
"Beyond the Veil"
"I, Robot"
"The Hunt"
"The Camp"
"Small Friends"
"The New Breed"
"The Joining"
"Double Helix"
"The Gun"
"The Inheritors"
"The Second Soul"
"The Other Side"
"New Lease"
"Essence of Life"
"Human Trials"
"Black Box"


14 featurettes
The Outer Limits Story : documentaire
Creating "Quality of Mercy" : making-of
Aliens Among Us : documentaire
Fantastic Robots and Androids : documentaire
Mutation and Transformation : documentaire
Death and Beyond : documentaire

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