Farscape - The Starburst Edition - Volume 2.2

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 09/08/2005

Distributeur : A.D. Vision

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Digital 5.1, Anglais Dolby Stereo
Sous-titres : Anglais (Closed Captioned)


2 dvd

7 épisodes


"Building Zhaan," an in-depth interview with Virginia Hey (Zhaan)
Segments from never-before-seen director's cuts of two unforgettable episodes from Season 1 – "The Flax" and "Through the Looking Glass"
"Listening In" with composer Guy Gross
Deleted scenes
Season 2 blooper reel
Interactive FarSpeak Game: "The Moya Menu"
Brand new installments of The Farscape Chronicles: "Alien Encounters" and "Cool Farscape Facts"
Actor biographies for Anthony Simcoe (D'Argo) and Virginia Hey (Zhaan)
Character backstories for D'Argo and Zhann
Alien Races Multimedia Glossary
Production Design Gallery

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