V (2009) - Saison 1 intégrale

Informations générales

Blu-ray Zone : 1
Sortie le : 02/11/2010

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais


# The Actor's Journey from Human to V Featurette - Featuring the principal cast of V discussing the techniques, challenges and rewards they faced in terms of bringing V alive for a new generation
# An Alien in Human Skin: The Makeup FX of V Featurette - Contemporary techniques of special effects makeup application and execution are revealed
# Breaking Story: The World of V Featurette - An in-depth look into how the producers were able to create a fresh perspective on the V mythology
# The Visual FX of V Featurette - A primer on the visual effects used to help enhance V, featuring a guided tour through ZOIC studios, the visual FX powerhouse responsible for the amazing CGI
# Commentary with Executive Producers Scott Rosenbaum and Steve Pearlman
# Bloopers
# Deleted Scenes

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