Once Upon A time - Saison 3 intégrale

Informations générales

Blu-ray Zone : 1
Sortie le : 19/08/2014

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Digital 5.1


Wicked Villains - What makes the villains of Once Upon A Time tick? These complicated characters are not only wicked, evil and dastardly, but sometimes heroic, charming and brave. The actors who embody these bad guys and the writers who create them take an in depth look at the show's interpretation of everyone's favorite foes.
The Tale of Ariel - Follow the tale of everyone's favorite mermaid, Ariel, played by Joanna Garcia, as we track the character's development and story throughout the season. We will see the development of her look, track her story and watch her introduction to the other characters of Storybrooke/FairytaleLand.
The Fairest Bloopers of Them All
Deleted Scenes
Audio Commentaries
Inside the Writer's Room: The Next Big Character - Get an inside look into the secret chambers of the writers of Once Upon a Time.
Deleted Scenes
Audio Commentaries

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