Justified - Saison 5 intégrale

Informations générales

Blu-ray Zone : 1
Sortie le : 02/12/2014

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais


Scènes coupées
Commentaires sur deux épisodes: A Murder of Crowes & Restitution
Season of the Crowe: Making Season Five

Exclusivités Blu-ray :

The Coolest Guy in the Room - A tribute to the late, great Elmore Leonard
The Onion Eulogizes Elmore Leonard - Patton Oswalt (aka "Constable Bob") reads The Onion AV Club's obituary for Elmore Leonard published upon the author's death.
The Big House: Prison Set Tour - Production Designer Dave Blass gives a tour of Kentucky's State Penitentiary.
Writer's Diary: A Week of Starvation -- Spend a week on set with Co-Executive Producer and writer Chris Provenzano as his episode, Starvation, is filmed.
Getting the Shot - Director of Photography Francis Kenny gives insight into the show's distinct look and style.
Raylan Givens: Two Roads Diverge - Executive producers Graham Yost, Fred Golan and Dave Andron discuss two characters from Season 5 who represent foils for Raylan Givens.
King Lear - Dave Andron, Graham Yost and Jere Burns discuss a key scene from Raw Deal.
The Wall of Death: Season Five Body Count - A look back to all those lost this season.

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