Banshee - Saison 2 intégrale

Informations générales

Blu-ray Zone : 1
Sortie le : 30/12/2014

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais


Banshee Origins: Find out the story before the story with a dozen prequel videos featuring the cast of Banshee
Conversation Between Olek & the Albino: See both sides of Olek and the Albino's phone call from Banshee Origins
Zoomed In: Episodes 1-4 & 6-8: Go on set with the cast to see how key adrenaline-filled scenes were created.
Commentaires audio avec les acteurs et la production
Scènes coupées
Bandes annonces

Exclusivités Blu-ray

Inside the Title Sequence: Uncover the clues behind each episode's opening title sequence with this interactive feature
Twitter Commentary with Cast & Crew: Take a look back at the cast and crew of Banshee live tweeting during the season premiere and finale

Icone FicheFiche de la série

Voir toutes les sorties vidéos liées à cette série (28)


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