Queer As Folk (2002) - Saison 1 intégrale

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 08/01/2002

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais Dolby Digital Surround, Espagnol Dolby Digital Mono
Sous-titres : Anglais (Closed Captioned)


6 dvd
Image 1.85 Anamorphic Widescreen


Special commentary on 3 episodes (1, 11 & 18)
A gag reel of hilarious outtakes
Extended scenes with introduction by actor Hal Sparks
A sneak peek at Season Two
"Meet the Folk" - unique biographies on the eight key characters as described by the actors playing them, as well as filmographies on the actors and producers
Photo gallery put to music from the series
"At a Glance" - an index outlining the content on each disc
DVD-ROM lock and key feature that will push users to the website where they can access special exclusive content with planned periodic updates
Show bumpers

Icone FicheFiche de la série

Voir toutes les sorties vidéos liées à cette série (14)


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