Firefly - Intégrale

Informations générales

Blu-ray Zone : 1
Sortie le : 11/11/2008

Distributeur : Universal Home Video

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais


* Commentary Tracks:
o "Serenity" (Part 1 & 2) by Executive Producer Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion
o "The Train Job" by Executive Producers Joss Whedon and Tim Minear
o "Shindig" by Writer Jane Espenson, Morena Baccarin and Costume Designer Shawna Trpcic
o "Our Mrs. Reynolds" (NEW to Blu-ray)
o "Out of Gas" by Executive Producer Tim Minear and Director David Solomon
o "Ariel" (NEW to Blu-ray)
o "War Stories" by Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk
o "The Message" by Alan Tudyk and Jewel Staite
o "Objects in Space" by Executive Producer Joss Whedon
* Deleted scenes:
o "Serenity" scene 1 (1:34)
o "Serenity" scene 74-75 (4:34)
o "Our Mrs. Reynolds" scene 18 (3:39)
o "Objects In Space" scene 6 (2:08)
* Featurettes:
o "Heres How How it Was: The Making of Firefly"
o Serenity: The Tenth Character
o Joss' Tour of the Set
o Cast Reunion (NEW to Blu-ray)
* Alan Tudyk's audition
* Gag Reel
* Joss Sings the Firefly theme
* Easter Egg: Adam Baldwin sings "Hero of Canton"

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