Au Nom de la Loi - Wanted: Dead or Alive - The Best Of.

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 17/06/2008

Distributeur : BCI Eclipse

Informations techniques

Langues : anglais


1. Martin Poster: starring Michael Landon. Josh Takes Matters into his own hands after Marshall Jeff Wilcox is killed by the Martin brothers.
2. Reunion for Revenge: starring James Coburn. Several escaped convicts confront Josh's prisoner, a man who's responsible for then going to jail.
3. Secret Ballot: starring DeForest Kelly. Summond to stand by his old war buddy Ned Easter, who's running for mayor, Josh must contend with Ned's corrupt rivals as well as the knowledge that Ned is wanted for shooting up half of Colorado.
4. The Legend: starring Michael Landon and Warren Oates. Sam McGarret hires Josh to lead him and his son and daughter into the Mesa desert to find a hundred year old treasure.
5. The Hostage: starring Lee Van Cleef. Josh delivers wanted criminal Jumbo Kane, a highly dangerous man. Once in the sheriff's custody, Kane takes the sheriff and Josh hostage.
6. Empty Cell: starring DeForest Kelly and Lon Chaney Jr. Josh delivers Hunt Willis, a wanted man to the sheriff's and retires for the day...and on the next morning the criminal is gone and there's a new sheriff!
7. Angela: starring Wayne Rogers and Warren Oates. The daughter of the mayor needs Josh's help to catch the murderer of her father.
8. The Monster: starring Martin Landau. Is a monstrous creature destroying villages and camps as the people claim? Josh wants to find out what the real culprit is.
9. The Twain Shall Meet: starring Mary Tyler Moore. A reporter from Boston accompanies Josh on his next hunt for an article in his writing.

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