Simpson (Les) - Saison 12 intégrale

Informations générales

DVD Zone : 1
Sortie le : 18/08/2009

Informations techniques

Langues : Anglais DD 5.1, espagnol stéréo, français stéréo
Sous-titres : fraçais et espagnol


* Disc 1:
o Commentary:
+ Treehouse of Horror XI - Matt Groening, Mike Scully, Rob Lazebnik, John Frink, Don Payne, Carolyn Omine, Matt Selman
+ A Tale of Two Springfields - Matt Groening, Mike Scully, George Meyer, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Dan Castellaneta, Shaun Cashman, Roger Daltrey, David Silverman
+ Insane Clown Poppy - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, John Frink, Don Payne, Tom Martin, Matt Selman, Dan Castellaneta, Joe Mantegna, Bob Anderson, Joel Cohen
+ Lisa the Tree Hugger - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Matt Selman, Don Payne, Tom Gammill, Tim Long, Yeardley Smith, Steven Dean Moore
+ Homer vs. Dignity - Matt Groening, Mike Scully, Rob Lazebnik, Carolyn Omine, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Max Pross
o Deleted Scenes
o Featurettes:
+ A Comic Moment with Matt Groening
+ Illustrated commentary - Lisa The Tree Hugger
o Animation Showcase: - Treehouse of Horror XI
o Animatic/StoryBoard Compare
o Storyboards: Storyboard with episode PIP
o Animatic: Animatic with episode PIP
o 2 Easter Eggs

* Disc 2:
o Commentary
+ The Computer Wore Menace Shoes - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Don Payne, John Frink, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Mark Kirkland, Joel Cohen
+ The Great Money Caper - Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Carolyn Omine, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Chuck Sheetz
+ Skinner's Sense of Snow - Matt Groening, Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Tim Long, Matt Selman, David Mirkin, Max Pross, Lance Kramer
+ HOMR - Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Mike B. Anderson
+ Pokey Mom - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Tom Martin, John Frink, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Dan Castellaneta, Joe Mantegna, Bob Anderson, Joel Cohen
+ Worst Episode Ever - Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Larry Doyle, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Hank Azaria, Chris Kirkpatrick
o Deleted Scenes
o Featurettes:
+ Comic Book Guy: Best. Moments. Ever.
+ Illustrated commentary - HOMR
o 3 Easter Eggs

* Disc 3:
o Commentary:
+ Tennis the Menace - Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, John Frink, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Max Pross, Phil Rosenthal
+ Day of the Jackanapes - Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Matt Selman, Tim Long, Yeardley Smith, Michael Marcantel
+ New Kids on the Blecch - Matt Groening, Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Tim Long, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Hank Azaria, Steven Dean Moore, Chris Kirkpatrick
+ Hungry, Hungry Homer - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, John Frink, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Max Pross, Phil Rosenthal, Ben Rosenthal
+ Bye Bye Nerdie - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Tim Long, Tom Gammill, Yeardley Smith, Lauren MacMullan, Steven Dean Moore
+ Simpson Safari - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Matt Selman, Tim Long, Yeardley Smith, Mark Kirkland, Michael Marcantel
o Deleted Scenes
o Animation Showcase: Day of the Jackanapes
o Animatic/StoryBoard Compare
o Storyboards: Storyboard with episode PIP
o Animatic: Animatic with episode PIP
o Easter Egg

* Disc 4:
o Commentary:
+ Trilogy of Error - Matt Groening, Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Rob Lazebnik, Matt Selman, Tim Long, Max Pross, David Mirkin, Mike B. Anderson
+ I'm Goin' to Praiseland - Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Carolyn Omine, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Chuck Sheetz
+ Children of a Lesser Clod - Mike Scully, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Mike Polcino, Mike B. Anderson
+ Simpsons Tall Tales - Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, John Frink, Don Payne, Matt Selman, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Bob Anderson, Joel Cohen
o Deleted Scenes
o Easter Egg
o The Commercials
+ Nestle USA "Butterfingeritis"
+ Nestle USA "Bart's Nightmare"
+ Burger King International "Spaced Homer"
+ Red Rooster "Loungearama"
o Deleted Scenes Intro by Mike Scully
o Deleted Scenes Gallery W/ Commentary
o The Global Fanfest
o Sketch Gallery
o Illustrated commentary - I'm Goin' to Praiseland

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